Elite Warrior Tribe
Welcome to the Tribe! You’ve landed on our welcome page…your jumping off point, where you can start exploring everything that the Tribe is going to offer you! Wait! Wait! Wait! Before you go anywhere, finish reading this…
First…I want to congratulate you on taking the first step to join the Tribe. It can be nerve-wracking to start something new, but you’re in the driver’s seat here! How much you get out of the Tribe is up to you! Are you gonna go all in? Are you gonna hang back and watch for a while? Either way, you decide! I can tell you this – what you put in is what you’ll get out! If you want to get the most of your time in the Tribe, definitely put yourself out there!
That leads me to the second thing – what will it mean to “put yourself out there?” Well, for starters, make sure you join our Facebook group. You can do that by clicking HERE. This is where your community is. I’m always here for you, but what does it mean to be part of a tribe? It means community; like-minded people with similar goals and ambitions, encouragement, support, answers, assistance, all of those fabulous things! It means there is always someone who has your back! And that’s what I want our Facebook Tribe to be about. If you send a request to join and don’t get in within a day, please shoot me an email and let me know – I probably just missed the notification! (coachjulievip@gmail.com)
Third, this can all be a bit overwhelming, but take your time. Ease into it. Mess around on the membership site, take it all in. Jump around to the different sections so you can see exactly what this all means for you going forward! And of course, make sure you check out the monthly magazine! This is just the beginning! There will be new information coming to the site all the time, so keep checking back! We’re going to have a lot of fun in here! I’ve got a ton of games, contests, workouts, and other fitness and life-related stuff planned to make this a great year, and I’m super stoked that you are going to get to experience it!
Next – please watch THIS video
Finally, if there’s anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out – I’m going to be your biggest cheerleader and will do everything I can to help you reach your goals! Use this new community as a resource. No matter what your fitness level, what your goals are, or where you are in the world, there is someone just like you in this group!
Above all, know that I welcome you with open arms, I appreciate you, and I’ve got your back!
Go poke around here! I’ll see you soon!
Monthly Magazines
Every month a new edition of the Elite Warrior Tribe monthly will be posted with articles, recipes, a new workout, nutrition info, a debunked fitness myth, and so much more!
Articles about food, dispelling some long-held beliefs we all have about food, and different philosophies behind calorie deficits, “cheat” meals, and other buzzy nutrition topics!
Exercise Demos
An ever-growing collection of form and technique videos so you prevent injury when strength training.
Recipes from the monthly magazines, as well as other low-calorie recipes I love. Some recipes for treats and snacks as well.
Articles about fitness, workouts, and information about your strength training and cardio.
Bonus Guides
This is one of the best parts of the Elite Warrior Tribe. I’ve put together guides on a range of topics - fitness, nutrition, and life-related – that will NEVER be released anywhere but to members of the Elite Warrior Tribe. These guides will help you navigate different challenges and will help you get stronger, leaner, and fitter, all while eating and drinking the things you love!